Saturday, September 16, 2006

Elections in a Business School in the US

I am running for AVP (Associate Vice President) of Marketing, in the Stern Student Corporation. During this process, I realized that it is totally different from how it'd be in Spain.

Here, before presenting myself as a candidate, I had to collect a minimum number of signatures among the MBA students. Once my candidacy is approved, I have to "Campaign". This means:
  • emails (maximum of 2) to the whole student body
  • posters (maximum of 10) to place in classrooms and halls
  • speech (this is the most difficult part for me!)
  • anything I can imagine, to help people remember me, and vote me

I have already sent the first email. None of the other candidates for this position have sent anyhing yet, so I cannot compare. I like the one I did (next picture).

Let's see what happens! Thursday we'll know.