Wednesday, March 29, 2006

China Care Foundation

When I first read about this story I was really moved for several reasons. First, the youth of the protagonist, second the amazing goal this foundation has and third the shared loved for children.

Matt Dalio was eleven years old when he first visited China. He spent one academic year in the country living with a Chinese family, going to Chinese school and learning Mandarin. He fell in love with the culture and the people.

Years later, he returned to China, at age 16, and he was haunted by what he saw on visits to local orphanages. Matt found children living with deformities and disabilities in horrible living conditions, mostly malnourished and starved for love.

He learnt that every year tens of thousands of children are thrust into overcrowded, under-funded orphanages. They are abandoned because parents can't afford to care for them. Or, simply because they're born into an enormous population forced to maintain a policy of one child families.

For children born with disabilities, the outlook is far heartless. Even conditions corrected with routine medical procedures can render a child unadoptable and destined for an unthinkable existence in a cold institutional orphanage.

Matt decided to create China Cares, a foundation with the astonishing mission of giving Chinese orphans (specially those with medium or severe dissabilities) the opportunity for a life of love in an American family; and when the adoption is not possible, the opportunity to be in a dignified place, full of love and resources, with access to medical attention...

There are many ways we can collaborate to improve the conditions for orphans in China by supporting China Care:
  • Donate money
  • Sponsor a special project
  • Donate items
  • Sponsor a child in foster care
  • Start a China Care Club
  • Volunteer

I really recommend to take a look at ChinaCare website and help to make the world a better place, especially for those in need.

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