Monday, June 19, 2006

Galician language to be used in epitaphs. What is this???

We thought there was enough absurd in the Spanish political environment... Well, we were wrong!

The new BNG (Galician Nacionalist Block, politic party) is starting a new program to promote the use of Galician language in events related with death. Meaning: stone tables epitaphs and funerals.

According to Mr. Lobeira, BNG deputy, maintains that the current situation is unfair and discriminatory, because only one in a thousand epitaphs are written in Galician. In fact, he wants the Galician Government to take an active role to solve this problem. Comorr???? What's he talking about?

In order to clarify the motives under his petition and protest, he adds: "If today a great catastrophe eliminated totally or parcially the human been from the earth...

You're wondering... how this sentence finishes? ...we'd all be dead, ... it'd be horrible... NO! Take a look!

... with the highest probability, the funeral archeologic rest that future generations would find, would never confirm the existence of Galician as a language. Cemeteries, stone tablets and epitaphs would certify that Galicia does not have its own language".

Yes!!! Amazing! It's increadible! Unbelievable. This man has a salary paid by Spanish people, by us, through our taxes... Come on! He's spending his time thinking and working about this stupidity!

Well... these are the people leading our country, our regions, our cities... What kind of future is waiting for us?


Aleksu said...

I so happy to see the Galizans stepping up to the plate now that their Basque, Catalonyan and Montenegrin counterparts have shown the world that the nations without a state deserve their own place among the concert of nations.

Among other things to ensure that no colonialist government ever again imposes its language on other nations.

Long live Euskera!

Long live Galizan!

Long live Catalan!

dgb_butterfly said...

Just a comment for you to think about: Didn't you happen to think that only 1 into 1000 of our (I'm Galician) epitaphs are written in Galician, because just 1 into 1000 Galician care about that?

Again, I am Galician, I love Galicia, but I also love Spain. I live in the world and though I'm completely fluent in Galician, it hasn't been very useful for my professional development, for my relationship with the world...

"O Galego e unha lingua hermosa, é quen quera falála é libre de facelo, pero dende logo, ninguén váime obrigar a ter a miña lápida en Galego. Quen o sinta así, que o faga, e quen non, que non o faga. Penso que hay cen mil cousas máis importantes nas que pode traballar un parlamentario que nestos temas superficiais".

Galician is a beautiful language and anyone who wants to use it has to be able to do it, however, nobody can make me use it in my epitaph if I don't want to. Whoever wants to do it, go ahead.
I think there are a thousand more important issues than this superficial one, that a parlamentarian could address.