Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ortega Lara, against Negotiation

Ortega Lara: "Estoy radicalmente en contra de cualquier negociación" ["I'm totally against any negotiation (with ETA)"]

I didn't have the chance to see Sanchez Drago's interview to Ortega Lara, but I bet it was excruciating listening to his story while he was captured by ETA.
Again, I would like to re-state that I am completely against any kind of negotiation with the terrorists. The terrible bombing in Barajas this Christmas, the attitude of the nacionalism supporters and the remembrance of all these savageness just confirm me that NEGOTIATION IS NOT THE WAY!

Complete articles: http://www.elpais.com/articulo/gente/Ortega/Lara/Estoy/radicalmente/cualquier/negociacion/elpepugen/20070129elpepuage_9/Tes


Gallina Clueca said...

Se me había perdido tu block y lo acabo de encontrar.
Me cuesta un poco aún en inglés pero todo se andará.
Disfruto más con tus cosas personales que con los comentarios y por cierto me encanta esa nueva niña que has apadrinado.

dgb_butterfly said...

Gracias! La nina es genial!Osea que las proximas vacaciones nos podemos todos ir a Burkina Fasso a verla :-)