Thursday, May 24, 2007

First Week at Work & Miscellaneous

Summer Internship

Unbelievable! My summer internship has already began. So far, it's being great! I was assigned two very interesting projects, my managers and director are amazing (I am actually going to learn a lot from them), the place is great (we are in the World Financial Center, by the Hudson river, so we get to go out for a quick lunch and enjoy the river and the sun), the schedule (so far) is pretty good (I'm out around 6:30pm-7pm). So, so far, very happy with my decision!

Students Blog at Stern Website

I was appointed to be one of the Students featured in Stern Website. They select a total of four students, among first and second year and part-time MBA classes (900+), to write about their experience in the MBA, at Stern, in NYC, in our summer internships… So, I am very happy and honoured to have been invited to be one of them.

The idea is that we write a post every other week (during the summer) and every week (during fall and spring), and it gets published in Stern website (you can see the former students' post in this website to get a better idea).

I wrote my first post this week and it'll probably be up by the end of this week or beginning of the next one. Check it out if you're interested in having a more formal and detailed information about how my summer internship goes, how my life is during my summer internship and during the MBA. Please note that my blog will be more formal than this one.

Travel to South-East Asia

One of my goals for this year was to travel more, and I'll sure do it. After my summer internship we'll go to Galicia for my brother's wedding and then we'll travel around SE Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand). Juyu!!

Stern in Africa

I recently became Vice-President of Career Development of a newly founded Students Club at Stern: 'Stern in Africa' (SiA). SIA is an all-inclusive club dedicated to educating the Stern community and beyond about opportunities for business, investment and voluntarism in Africa.

Our main objetive is to provide:
  • Access to information about African business and career opportunities
  • A forum for discussing African events and issues
  • A better awareness of Africa as a viable business and leisure destination
  • Greater visibility of Stern among Africans in the Diaspora
  • Support to the Admissions Office in recruiting African Students
  • Opportunities for Stern MBAs to explore Africa through social and cultural events
  • A support network to African students at Stern
  • Networking events for SIA members interested in building careers in or related to Africa

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