Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Long time, no talk!

Unbelievable, but true! The first year of the MBA is gone! I can't belive time went by so fast... The last semester was kind of stressful, but I managed to accomplished quite a few things. Actually, I was awarded the "Paul Friedman Small Acts of Kindness Memorial Fellowship" for outstanding performance during the consulting project I did over the semester. :-)

Now, it feels surreal! I can't even absorve that I'll be joining my summer internship in 1 week!

This week my hubby's graduation ceremony will take place! Amazing! It seems yesterday when we moved to New York! and we've been here for two years!

Well, this was just a head-up! I'll try to post more frequently over the summer.


New Yorker said...

Felicidades guapa!!! Pero te has olvidado algĂșn otro reconocimiento que la universidad te ha hecho no???

Demasiado modesta nos has salido.

Zorro de Segovia said...

Felicidades por el premio. Supongo que al otro reconocimiento que se refiere "new yorker" es el de "Stern most beautiful woman2 ¿no?

coyotepisapraos said...

Felicidades por el premio... eso si... ten cuidado con esa corriente que dice "the only way to solve the ethical problems of corporate America is to fire everyone under 35 with an MBA" :-)

dgb_butterfly said...

Muchas Gracias chicos!

Zorro, el titulo que mencionas... por supuesto que lo tengo, pero ese era un "given" :-)

Os echo de menos, disfrutad del new yorker mientras esta por ahi... sniff!