Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Independence... New Countries... Is this really happening???

I hope it isn't!

According British newspaper, The Times, Andalucía, Cataluña and Euskadi (Basque Country) could become independent countries in 2020. The article analyzes the recent countries receiving independence, like Montenegro, and foresees what countries can be next.

This is the map they suggest for 2020.

From my personal point of view, it's a shame that the most important issue nowadays in the nacional policy in Spain is the Statut. What's happening in my country? I do not understand these independence and self determination movements. What are the benefits? What is it that they hate some much about Spain?

I am proud of being Spanish. However if my country is going to evolve like this, becoming little small countries that hate each other... I will loose my proudness.

Spain was a great company as it used to be!


Aleksu said...

Diana, first of all, you need to leave behind your colonialist mentality.

Euskal Herria, Galiza, Catalonya and the Canaries have never been part of Spain because they wanted to be. Quite the opposite, they were invaded,sojusgated and divested of their identity as a nation.

But all that is over, this is the XXI Century, people are free to go back to what they used to be before a different nationality was imposed to them with the sword.

News to you, the Basques do not hate the Spaniards, we only think that you should live in your beautiful country, and we should be allowed to live in ours, without you medling in our issues.

Same goes for Galizans and Catalonyans, they do not hate Spaniards.

About the only ones that hate someone else is a very reduced group of extreme right Spaniards who still cling to Spain's imperial past.


...and freedom.

dgb_butterfly said...

Aleksu, just some comments:

- You talk about freedom and you don't respect my opinion, insulting me and judging me in the moment you start talking. Do you want freedom for everyone or just for you?

- The first one talking about HATE was you. I never said anything about hating anyone! I'm from GALICIA (not Galiza) and I love Spain and Spaniards. I just don't like the arguments some Galicians, Basques and Catalonians are using to ask for a semi-independence. Because, they don't really want a total independence that implies borders, taxes, no economic contributions from other communities... and so on.

- My last comment is a question: how many Basques do really want independence? How many Catalonyans want independence? And about Galicians, I don't have to tell you that the independentist are just a very small portion of our society.

This is democracy and freedom of speech. You can think whatever you want and so do I; and when we have to take a decision we vote, and what majority decides is what is done. It's that simple.

Of course, pease and freedom.

Zorro de Segovia said...

I was born in Castilla. Excuse me for that. I could be born in Ghana, in Mexico or China but not. I am castellano. As a boy, my teachers told me that, furthermore, I am spanish, not only castellano. Why? I don´t know and I don´t mind.

Being spanish or castellano or european could be important for others. Not for me. My favourite wood is the "Selva de Irati" in Navarra. My favourite beach is the "Dunas de Corrubedo" in La Coruña. A lot of other places remember me hundred of good moments and nice people.

Regarding History, what is Castilla? From ancient times, romans, greeks, fenicians, arabians, germanians came to the place where I was born to take adventages from our lands and our ancestors. We never chose take part of Castilla of another "realidad nacional" like Spain, Hispania or Al-Andalus. Since 15th century people from Germany (Austrias) and France (Borbones) sit in Valladolid, Toledo or Madrid and impose taxes, cut down our woods and sent our men to war.

Now, in 20th century the castellanos are the "centralistas". Let me laugh. Franco was born in Galicia, Carrero Blanco in Cantabria.

That really happens is that people usually doesn´t like the place where the power is stablished. The gallegos don´t like Santiago, the castellanos, Valladolid, the vascos, Vitoria, the catalanes, Barcelona and the andaluces, Sevilla.

Think about it, please. Then, enjoy the place where you are, the people you find, forgetting the politicians arguments to mantain their backsides in their comfortable chairs.

Aleksu said...


I want freedom for every single nation in the world that today remains occupied by another nation. The map you published tells you more or less who do I support.

Galiza is the way the people from Galiza spell it, I am no one to impose the Castillian "Galicia" to them.

And oh yes, we do want full independence, no coexistance or other weird terms like that. Independence, as clear and simple. And when it comes to taxes and all those other economic variables you speal of, I really do not care about it, Euskal Herria and Catalonya are powerful economies bound to improve when they stop wasting money in Spain's poor provinces. Hopefully Galiza will be able to fare as well when it gains its independence.

The one question.

Why don't you ask Solana? After what he tried to do against the Montenegrins he is the one that was exposed as having an Slobodan Milosevic kind of reasoning.

Why don't you demand from the European Community that referendums in Catalonya and Euskal Herria are held as so we all know how many Basques and Catalonyans long for freedom, both you the ones that love your One Spain Under God and us who believe in self-determination?

Remember, we are the ones asking for a referendum, Madrid is the one that refuses claiming that it is no constitutional.

And I'm really amused by someone that admires the PP so much, talking about democracy and freedom of speech, I happen to remember that the PP is the snake pit were all the former and new Francoists came together.