Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Miguel Angel Blanco's Assassins' Trial

The trial for Miguel Angel Blanco's murder, town councillor shot death by ETA in 1997 after a 48-hour kidnap followed by our whole country; is finally taking place.

Please, let us have some JUSTICE here!

For Miguel Angel, and for all of us. The terrorists (Txapote and Amaia) were laughting and cheating during the whole trial. Miguel Angel's parents and family were there and the assassins laughted at them!

Who is willing to negociate with these people?

Do you really think that the ones sharing table with you in a couple of days are any different from these two animals. If you thinks so, you're kidding yourself. They are not! All of them are beasts, animals, killers. What do you want to negociate with them? Why do you want to negociate with them?


Negociation no! Not in my name!


Aleksu said...

When are the murderers responsible for the Gernika massacre will be taken to a court?

Oh wait, they were allowed to die of an old age.

It is really odd that someone that talks about peace, human rights, rich fellas donating money and other cutesy stuff is so short sighted about a peace process that among other thing would ensure that no more people gets killed like M A Blanco, or tortured and murdered like many Basques under the "democratic" Spanish governements lead by the PSOE and the PP.

"Es fácil ver la paja en el ojo ajeno, pero no la viga en el propio"

And by the way, how many Iraqis have been killed by a war started among other individuals by someone called José María Aznar?

Will he be smiling when he's taking to court for the murder of Angel Berrueta?

dgb_butterfly said...

Just a few comments:

* I did not give my opinion about Gernika, did I? Maybe I might have the same opinion you have. Who knows? You didn't ask me.

* In your opinion we should negociate with the terrorist and concede all their wishes, to avoid more murders.

Is that so because their goal is your goal or because you really believe that to get peace we must surrender to the terrorists and irrationals? Killing people is not an argument.

So, as you did not give me any argument apart from "we have to negociate or they'll keep on killing us"; I am not capable of changing my mind on this matter.

* I did not give my opinio either about José María Aznar, and I never compared him with José Luis Rguez. Zapatero. So, I don't get your antepenultimate comment. I don't understand how Aznar and the Iraq war has anything to do with this. Maybe you can explain it to me.

Happy to hear all your arguments, but please, let them be so. And by the way, again, I must tell you that civilized people do not need to insult to give their opinions.

As I understood reading your blogs, you seem to be quite educated, so please, next time keep your adjectives regarding myself for yourself and concentrate on the issue we are talking about. Thanks,